Sunday, September 07, 2008

Trying to Flip the Switch

i have quickly learned that having a sacred place to reflect and write does not necessarily translate into consistent reflection and writing.

The biggest challenge seems to be the difficulty in "flipping the switch." I spend my work week in a fast-paced, noisy customer service center working with frontline leaders--and my family time is equally chaotic in its own designs. So I carry all of that nervous energy and multi-tasking into my space here by the window overlooking the trees, and find it hard to escape into my thoughts.

I also am simply not used to having a home study, having worked in coffee shops most of the past three years. I can tune out the noise from strangers, but not from my own family. There are other elements of ambiance missing as well: the smell of coffee, the overhead music, and the energy I often tap into when immersed in the general public. It seems counter intuitive, but I may still be more effective writing and reflecting in the midst of a crowd than in a solitary place. This may take some practice and perseverance.

Throughout 2007 I worked a four day, 10 hour schedule and took the fifth day for writing, heading to the coffee shop and usually the library. It was a pretty effective routine. Now I am down to maybe an hour or two per week, early in the morning on a Sunday.

I need more time to feed my soul and craft words in the crucible of reflection. This is easier said than accomplished. But it must be done. I've lived enough to know that the secret to reflection and writing is to keep showing up and giving it your best, and the time factor usually settles itself out with such discipline and rhythm.

A very lovely looking Sunday has arisen before me. This is the day the Lord has made, and I pray that despite my frustration with diminished reflection time I will rejoice in it.


At 5:19 AM , Blogger Rebecca M said...

I'm responding to this post from a coffee shop for the very reason that I cannot work at home. I wonder if it is the subconscious reassurance of the rest of the world that I need. Or can I simply be too distracted by the elements of my life when I am at home? I don't know. But I do know I have to leave the house in order to work and I hate that. Good luck with your own flip switching.


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